What Are the Benefits of CBD Oil?
CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis plants and emerging as a popular supplement. Unlike THC (the “other cannabinoid”), CBD oil is non-psychoactive and has a wide variety of everyday applications for potential health benefits. Thanks to our naturally present endocannabinoid system (ECS), everyday wellness is a real possibility.
What’s this? The ECS is a bodily structure found in all mammals (yep, even Fido has one) that is responsible for a wide range bodily functions; think everyday balance, system efficiency, equilibrium, stability, and overall wellness. CBD is good news for people looking for ways to feel more balanced without the unwanted side effects of THC.
How CBD oil is made gives you the potential benefits without the high, one of the many reasons for CBD’s increasing popularity. Not to mention, the on-going concern of if CBD is legal has been addressed through the 2018 Farm Bill, otherwise known as the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. This legislation changed the definition of marijuana to exclude hemp, therefore granting hemp plants and CBD preparations to be declassified as a controlled substance. The passing of this allowed CBD products from hemp to become more readily available, popping up everywhere for sale – from online shops to local retail stores.
With so many new products available, from tinctures and creams to gummies and bath bombs, it comes as no surprise that people are exploring the health benefits of CBD oil to better support a healthy lifestyle. Curious about introducing CBD into your wellness routine? Here’s what you need to know about CBD oil, how it works in your body, and the potential benefits of CBD.
Let’s start with some CBD facts.
CBD oil provides numerous potential benefits because of the way it is introduced and consumed within the body. We naturally produce endocannabinoids that have receptors all over our bodies. This is part of a larger endocannabinoid system – otherwise known as the ECS for short – made up of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoid neurotransmitters that help maintain homeostasis and balance our bodily functions. When you’re feeling at your best, whether it’s just overall wellness or better clarity through the fog of everyday life, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for kicking into action and ensuring that your body stays on track.
When you consume CBD oils, those cannabinoids bind to the CB-1 and CB-2 receptors in our brain and body. When these different cannabinoids interact with each other, they produce varying effects more powerful than if they were acting alone, known as the entourage effect. That means the ECS and CBD combined offer even more potential benefits of CBD oil to promote a better, healthier balance.
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
The ECS is a complex physiologic network throughout the human body that helps establish and maintain overall health and wellness.
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
The ECS is a complex physiologic network throughout the human body that helps establish and maintain overall health and wellness.
CB1 Receptors Target:
Immune Cells
Motor Activity
Motor Coordination
Pain Perception
Short Term Memory
CB2 Receptors Target:
Adipose Tissue
Cardiovascular System
Central Nervous System
Immune System
Reproductive System
Respiratory Tract
Skeletal Muscle
CB1 Receptors are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system, and to a lesser extent in the other tissues.
CB2 Receptors are mostly in the peripheral organs especially cells associated with the immune system.
Benefits of CBD
CBD oil has a multitude of positive effects, including helping promote a sense of calm, help provide relief from everyday stresses, keep your mood balanced, and alleviate minor discomfort following a workout.
Full spectrum CBD oil contains many different cannabinoids and terpenes that may also enhance the health benefits of CBD oil. Here are some top benefits of incorporating CBD oils into your daily regimen:
Diferentes formas de utilizar el CBD
Con tantos productos de CBD en el mercado, quizás te preguntes cómo elegir el adecuado para obtener los mejores beneficios del aceite de CBD. Entonces, ¿qué pruebas y cuánto tiempo tarda el aceite de CBD en funcionar ?
Dependiendo de sus necesidades, porciones y lo que elija tomar, los resultados variarán de persona a persona. Para ayudarle a empezar, estos son algunos de los mejores productos de CBD disponibles y las mejores formas de utilizarlos:
Lo que dice la gente sobre el CBD
El uso del aceite de CBD realmente ha despegado en los últimos años debido a la creciente conciencia de los increíbles poderes del ECS y los posibles beneficios del CBD para la salud diaria. Esto es lo que dicen los usuarios sobre el CBD y cómo encuentran resultados prometedores:
"Se relaja y duerme profundamente. He estado usando las gotas durante 4 meses y me encantan. Duermo mejor sin despertarme. Me tomo unos 20 minutos antes de que planee quedarme dormido y antes de darme cuenta ya estoy dormido. ! Me despierto sintiéndome bien descansado. Los beneficios del CBD son simplemente una ventaja."
- Mich
“CBD Revive ¡Esta loción Revive CBD es la BOMBA! Tan hidratante y huele tan fresco. ¡No es grasoso, se seca rápidamente y los beneficios del CBD son extraordinarios! ¡Me encanta!"
- enero s
“Premium Recover 300 Pump No puedo decir cuán maravilloso es el alivio más los beneficios del CBD. Se absorbe rápidamente, por lo que el alivio es casi instantáneo y con 3000 mg de CBD todo lo que puedo decir es ¡GUAU!
- pescador
“En Desayuno de Campeones agrego aceite de CBD a mis batidos matutinos. ¡Excelente manera de empezar el día!”
- Antonio
“En Desayuno de Campeones agrego aceite de CBD a mis batidos matutinos. ¡Excelente manera de empezar el día!”
- Shizue
"Cambiando mi vida. ¡Quiero comenzar mi reseña agradeciendo a esta compañía por devolverme a mi abuela durante sus últimos años! Mi abuela odiaba caminar porque el dolor era muy intenso. Mi abuela lo usó y en diez minutos estaba bailando conmigo otra vez. ¡Ustedes realmente le dieron a mi abuela la oportunidad de vivir de nuevo y no puedo agradecerles lo suficiente por eso!