Probiotics are often referred to as good, or friendly bacteria. They also contain yeast and occur naturally in your dog’s stomach. Probiotics help to strengthen your dog’s immune system, and they also help them to digest food. If your dog doesn’t have a healthy number of probiotics in their system, the microbiome can become unbalanced. Having a stable microbiome is essential, as changes in it can result in cramping, obesity, gas, allergies, bad breath, bloating, and poor health in general. Several things can upset your dog’s microbiome, including:
- Weaning
- Stress
- Parasites
- Infections
- Medication
- Changing Food
If you find that your dog seems to be sick often, then it’s probably wise to ask your vet about it, as it may be that they need a probiotic to get them on the right track again.
What Types of Probiotics are Suitable for Dogs?
Dogs already have friendly bacteria in their intestines. If you want to keep this bacteria at a healthy level, then feeding it is essential. Probiotics do just that. Some of the bacteria that occur naturally within your dog’s intestine include:
- Enterococcus faecium
- Bifidobacterium breve
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus casei
- Bifidobacterium lactis
Food-based Probiotics, Powder or Pills?
If you suspect that your dog needs a probiotic then you’ll be interested to know that probiotics come in three different forms. You have food-based probiotics, powders, and pills. Food is a natural source, with yogurt being the best option. Some brands of yogurt do use cultures, but that doesn’t mean that they are probiotics. Yogurt can also contain several artificial sweeteners, which are dangerous for dogs. If you do want to give your dog probiotics, plain yogurt with no artificial sweeteners is the best way to go.
Some dog foods also contain added probiotics. This could be an easier way for you to ensure that they are getting the dose they need. Some treats do contain probiotics, but they may also contain extra preservatives and additives.
Probiotics in powder or tablet form might be a little harder to give to your dog, although they are thought to be better as they have controlled exposure to both air and moisture. If you feed your dog a raw or wet food diet, you may find that you can incorporate the powder or tablet into their meal. Dry food, on the other hand, may present additional challenges.
Why Should You Give Your Dog a Probiotic?
There are many benefits to giving your dog a probiotic. Probiotics for dogs have benefits that help your dog digest whatever food they eat. It also makes it easier for them to absorb vitamins and minerals, ensuring that they have a strong immune system. Some research has even shown that giving your dog a probiotic can help with issues such as bad breath, gas, allergies, and obesity. One thing to take note of is that although there’s a lot of research on humans using probiotics, in dogs, there’s not as much.
Dog Probiotics Benefits and Considerations
Dog probiotics benefits are numerous, but before you give your dog a probiotic, you need to consider a few things. First of all, you need to do your research. There’s not a great deal of research in regard to how probiotics affect dogs. Dogs have a lot of different types of bacteria in the gut, but research has only looked at single types. This is opposed to looking at how bacteria works together. This means that although we do know a lot about probiotics in dogs, we don’t know fully how they work.
Quality is also something to consider. The way that a probiotic is packaged, and the way that it is added to both food and treats can change the way they are absorbed. This means if you get the wrong type, you may be spending money on something your dog can’t absorb.
Probiotics are also very sensitive to things like temperature, moisture, and air. If you get a live probiotic then most of the time this will be better, but you have to keep them in the fridge. Reading the label is usually the best way for you to make sure you’re getting the best result here. You may also want to check with your vet to make sure that the probiotic you’re looking at is safe for canine consumption.

Delving into the Science Behind Dog Probiotics
If you want to truly appreciate the benefits that dog probiotics have to offer, you need to know how they work within the canine digestive system. Probiotics consist of a lot of beneficial bacteria, and they also contain a lot of yeast. This colonizes the gut and it also interacts with the microbial population. This beneficial bacteria helps to maintain a healthy gut flora balance, which is important for your dog’s digestive system and well-being.
At the end of the day, your dog’s digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria. Some of the bacteria are good, and some are bad. If your dog is ill, stressed or if they have a poor diet then this can disrupt the balance of this bacteria. Harmful bacteria can then multiply, which can lead to several gastrointestinal issues. The immune system can also become weakened as a result.
When you look at the way that probiotics work, it’s easy to see how they could benefit your dog. They work by bringing beneficial bacteria to the gut, which restores the natural balance overall. Bacteria slings to the lining of the intestine and it forms a protective barrier. This helps to block any harmful bacteria from causing damage. Probiotics are also known for producing short-chain fatty acids. These nourish the cells in the gut, ensuring that the function and health are supported.
One major player in dog probiotics is lactic acid. This is a byproduct of their metabolism. This acid is great as it helps to support an acidic environment within the gut. When you look at bad bacteria, this environment is unfavorable. Lactic acid also produces enzymes, which help the body digest food while ensuring that all nutrients are absorbed.
It’s worth noting that different strains of probiotic bacteria have different levels of effectiveness. Certain strains are also known for producing certain health benefits. If you look at certain strains of Lactobacillus, for example, you'll notice that this provides several anti-inflammatory benefits, which is especially useful for dogs who have bowel disease or those who have gut issues.

The Syndication between Pet Health CBD and Probiotics
One thing to know about CBD, in the instance of dogs, is that it can help to keep them calm. It also helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. A major cause of your dog’s natural biome being upset is them feeling anxious. If you give your dog pet health CBD treatment, in conjunction with a probiotic then you may find that there is a notable improvement in their health. Not only will their biome naturally reset as the result of reduced anxiety, the probiotic will support the formation of new and healthy bacteria.
There are a lot of reasons why it's beneficial to give your dog probiotics and CBD together, including allergy support. During spring and summer, a lot of dogs struggle with allergies. This results in them being very itchy, which can induce stress. CBD products can decrease itchiness while repairing the skin barrier, and when used in conjunction with probiotics, skin healing can be supported. If your dog suddenly has diarrhea or vomiting, then using a CBD product can help to decrease their nausea. Their appetite may return to normal faster, with probiotics helping to support a healthy gut biome.
If you want to administer CBD to your dog then oil drops are the most common solution. If you give your dog a raw diet or wet food then you can mix the CBD oil in with it, and then add the probiotic powder or pill. If you’re going down the natural route then adding yogurt can also be done this way.
If you give your dog dry food then things become a little trickier, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not workable. Freezing yogurt and giving it to your dog as a cool treat can be a good way to make sure they're getting a boost, or you can use a treat toy, like a Kong. These hard rubber toys often contain spaces to push treats in, so if you buy chicken, egg, or rice, you can easily mash it up and put it inside the toy, along with the probiotic or CBD oil. Foods like egg, rice, and chicken tend to be very low on the allergy list, not to mention that they can help issues such as diarrhea and vomiting. Mashed potato is another food that is great for dogs who aren’t feeling well, as it is slow to digest, and again, has a very low chance of causing an allergic reaction.
Here at CBDMD, we are completely committed to ensuring the health and wellness of your pet. As a holistic pet care provider, we will always provide you with factual and reliable information that helps you better understand your pet’s needs. If you want to find out more about any of our products, contact us by using the live chat function. You can find CBD oil for dogs here.