Environmental challenges, including climate change, pollution, deforestation, and even resource depletion call for more sustainable practices. Several sectors are being pushed to be greener, and with CBD being legalized across the world, it is possible to use it as a way to create a more sustainable future. So what part does hemp play moving forward? Take a look below.
How Hemp Can Be Used as a Sustainable Alternative
CBD-infused products often come in sustainable packaging with organic ingredients. This shift is incredibly important if brands want to reduce their reliance on synthetic compounds, or plastics. The wellness industry as a whole is currently paving the way for more sustainable practices. Even the construction sector is beginning to make changes, by adopting hemp. Hemp-based concrete, or hempcrete, is just one of many notable advancements of note here.
Hemp Requires Less Water
Hemp is a resilient crop and it needs far less water than traditional crops. This is especially the case when you look at crops like cotton. Traditional crops tend to drain local water supplies, leading to environmental strain. When you look at how efficient hemp is, it’s not hard to see how it could be a more sustainable choice moving into the future.
Reduced Pesticides
Hemp is very resilient. It can withstand pests and it doesn’t need any herbicides to thrive. This means that there’s far less chemical runoff. When you look at more traditional crops, it’s not hard to see how much chemical treatments they need to thrive. Hemp is naturally resilient and this makes it a very eco-friendly option moving into the future.
Better Soil Health
Hemp has very deep roots, to the point where it can aerate the soil. This helps to prevent erosion too. This makes it one of the best choices for maintaining the health and structure of soil. The root system helps to support soil stability while reducing the risk of erosion. Heavy metals and toxins are also removed, not to mention that soil quality is improved for future use. This paves the way for a more sustainable future, in regards to agriculture.
Low Waste
The production of oil, from hemp, involves CO2 extraction. This is a minimally invasive method and it uses high pressure and low temperatures to isolate the oil, without having to use harsh solvents. This method helps to ensure the best product possible and it also minimizes the impact on the environment too. Additionally, all of the hemp plants can be used. The fibers can be used in textiles and bioplastics. Hemp is incredibly versatile and this means that no part of the plant goes to waste. This is a sharp contrast when you look at the traditional crops that are grown, as they produce a great deal of waste.

Carbon Sequestration
Hemp is very effective at capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It is also a good way to fight against climate change. Studies have shown that hemp in particular can absorb a great deal of carbon. Its ability to absorb greenhouse gasses is unlike anything else, not to mention that the seeds can be very valuable nutrients for both plant and animal feed.
Market Challenges
Despite having very clear benefits, the CBD industry faces a lot of market challenges. There are inconsistent regulations across many different regions that are making it difficult for consumers and producers. If policies can be made more transparent then this would make it easier to promote hemp sustainability business practices. Public education campaigns and research is required to shift perceptions and to dispel myths. Only then, can the CBD and hemp business become truly sustainable.
What Can You Do to Support the Future of Hemp?
If you want to be part of the sustainable future of hemp, then there are a few things you can do. As a consumer, believe it or not, you play a critical role in supporting various practices within the CBD industry. One of them includes choosing certified products. If you can choose products that are certified as being organic, and that are sourced from reputable companies that put a focus on sustainable farming then this will make a huge difference.
You also need to take steps to educate yourself, as well as others. Understanding the environmental benefits of hemp is always a good thing to do, and sharing this knowledge with your local community will compound the effects. Lastly, engage in advocacy, and make sure that you are doing your bit to push for clearer and more supportive regulations as a whole. This will remove barriers and it will also promote the wider adoption of sustainable practices as a whole.
Innovative Uses of Hemp
There are many innovative uses of hemp, some of which can be found here.
Hemp-Based Fur
DevoHome specializes in using fabric that is made out of hemp fiber. The company has unveiled a faux fur product that mimics the thermal qualities of animal fur. The fake fur is woven by using hemp fibers, in combination with viscose. This is made out of wood pulp with natural cotton. The fur is entirely plant-made, not to mention that it is entirely sustainable.
Flooring Solutions that use Hemp
Wood is a sought-after material but it’s not sustainable. A company in the US, known as HempWood has gone as far as to develop a wood substitute that is made out of hemp. Hemp grows quickly and is ready to harvest in 120 days, which is amazing when compared to the hundreds of years it takes for an oak or hickory tree to grow.
New Manufacturing Technologies
A project that's being funded by the US Department of Defense is also being put into motion. The technology uses widely available fibers, such as silk and hemp, rather than plastic. Natural Fiber Welding Inc. has gone as far as to create a scalable fabrication platform that creates materials that last longer, and that are stronger as a whole.
So as you can see, hemp is a great way to push environmental sustainability, with several innovations currently underway to ensure that it is being embraced as much as possible. Here at CBDMD, we pride ourselves on making sure that we are as sustainable as possible with our business practices, ensuring that we use trusted suppliers and environmentally friendly packaging to support the worldwide movement toward a more sustainable world.